Tag Archives: News 3d printer

Make Custom Shirts With A 3D Print, Just Add Bleach

Bleach is a handy way to mark fabrics, and it turns out that combining bleach with a 3D-printed design is an awfully quick-working and effective way to stamp a design onto a shirt. While conceptually simple, the details make the difference.

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3D Printing Threaded Replacements

Printing an object with threads is nothing new. If you know the specifications on the other thread or you are in control of it, no problem. But [Shop Therapy] wanted to print parts that mate with an existing unknown thread. Out come the calipers. The first measurement is the height.

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Alternate Threaded Inserts For 3D Prints

The usual way to put a durable threaded interface into a 3D print is to use a heat-set insert, but what about other options? [Thomas Sanladerer] evaluates a variety of different threaded inserts, none of which are actually made with 3D printing in mind but are useful nevertheless.

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Powder Your Prints For Baby-Smoothness

Layer lines are a dead giveaway to non-normies that a thing was 3D printed. There are things you can do to smooth them — sanding, chemical smoothing, and fillers come to mind. Although this technique technically uses all three, it starts with something very simple.

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Gumball Coaster Is 3D-Printed Candy Fun

Marble runs are fun enough on their own, but what if you could eat the marbles? Gumballs are the satisfying answer to that question. To that end, [Adrian Seeley] whipped up a system for producing gumball runs programmatically for entertainment and candy dispensing purposes.

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A Comprehensive Look At FDM Supports

When we first started 3D printing, we used ABS and early slicers. Using supports was undesirable because the support structures were not good, and ABS sticks to itself like crazy. Thankfully today’s slicers are much better, and often we can use supports that easily detach.

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Making 3D Print Time-lapses With Old Earphones And A Few Spare Parts

The trick to producing great 3D printing time-lapse animations is to ensure that the extruder has moved out of the frame each time a photo is taken — which usually requires OctoPrint to be controlling both the camera and printer.

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