Tag Archives: News game

I made a 400sqft electric board game.

Estimated Reading Time: Get Comfy. 74 days. A Core team of 2: A Programmer (Penguin) and myself, and some very good friends. We have to go from idea to prototype to over 400 units of manufactured product plus software. And neither of us have ever touched making hardware beyond “blinky lights go brr.

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Going Around In Circles With Homemade Arcade Classic Cyclone

The classic arcade game Cyclone has attracted many players, along with their coins, thanks to its simple yet addictive gameplay. In its most basic form it consists of a light racing around a circular track, which the player then has to stop at exactly the right place.

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Bringing A Ruined Game Boy Cart Back To Life With Tons Of Soldering

Retro consoles and handhelds are full of nostalgia and happy memories for many. However, keeping these machines and their media going can be a difficult job at times. [Taylor] was challenged to rescue a copy of Kirby’s Dream Land for the original Game Boy, and set about the task.

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DIY Skyrim Monopoly Board With Arduino LED Lights

This instructable is for a back lit Skyrim themed monopoly board. The board is made using a custom made game board, LED light strips, Arduino, some wood work, epoxy resin, and Photoshop (Gimp in my case), and a lot of 3d printed components. The first step is to create a wooden frame for the board.

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Crawling a Dungeon, 64 Pixels at a Time

The trend in video games is toward not being able to differentiate them from live-action theatrical releases, and games studios are getting hard to tell from movie studios. But quality graphics don’t always translate into quality gameplay, and a lot can be accomplished with minimalist graphics.

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