Tag Archives: reblog

Adam Gulyas : APC

The Atari Punk Console is a well known circuit developed in the early 70’s by Forest M. Mims who called it (more usefully) a Stepped Tone Generator. Because of its low component count and retro sound, it is often one of the first circuits built by people interested in audio synthesis.

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Solving a Sudoku with SBY and Formal Verification

This guest post is by Theophile Loubiere. Recently, I began using SBY to formally verify my designs. You can check out my first attempt on my blog learn-fpga-easily. Formal Verification helps ensure that certain properties of your design always remain true, such as:

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Light Guns Aren’t Just For CRTs Anymore

For how much of a cultural phenomenon light gun games like Duck Hunt were, they didn’t survive the transition from CRT televisions to LCDs particularly well because of all of the technological quirks the light guns exploited in older technology that simply disappeared with modern TVs.

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Filling Space: Building a Giant Kitchen LED Matrix

That big space above your kitchen cabinets… what do you have there? Plants? Dust? Some comically big letters that spell something like “EAT?” It’s probably dust. In every place I’ve lived, I’ve never known what to do with that huge blank canvas. I couldn’t just leave it like that…

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