Category Archives: News

Electronics news

Brute Forcing A Mobile’s PIN Over USB With A $3 Board

Mobile PINs are a lot like passwords in that there are a number of very common ones, and [Mobile Hacker] has a clever proof of concept that uses a tiny microcontroller development board to emulate a keyboard to test the 20 most common unlock PINs on an Android device.

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Making fine pitch PCB prototypes with fiber laser

There are quite a lot of inexpensive and fairly reliable PCB manufacturers that can produce double-sided PCB’s with solder-mask and silkscreen in a day or two, but what if you need it now? I will not cover expensive prototyping machinery nor messy printer/etching process instead let’s use a 20W

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FreeCAD Is Simple According To This Tutorial

Remember learning to tie your shoes or ride a bike? Like many things, that’s easy once you know how to do it, but seems impossible before you learn. [NovaSpirit] asserts that Freecad is simple, and provides a simple walkthrough to create a part in the video below.

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Découvrez la GameCube Nano une console 90% plus petite que loriginale

C’est le genre de projet un peu dingue qui montre les possibilités acquises par de simples particuliers ces dernières années. Arriver a réduire de 90% le châssis original de la console pour proposer cette GameCube Nano est assez ahurissant. Le projet est assez simple en théorie.

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Gumball Coaster Is 3D-Printed Candy Fun

Marble runs are fun enough on their own, but what if you could eat the marbles? Gumballs are the satisfying answer to that question. To that end, [Adrian Seeley] whipped up a system for producing gumball runs programmatically for entertainment and candy dispensing purposes.

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Portable Soldering Station Runs On Drill Batteries

Power tool batteries are a convenient portable power supply for all manner of different things. [Zachary Goode] noticed that Ryobi was using them to power soldering irons, but no such tool existed in the DeWalt range. Thus, he set about to build such a rig himself.

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