Tag Archives: News hack

Roboticizing An Etch-a-Sketch

The Etch-a-Sketch was a popular toy, but a polarizing one. You were either one of those kids that had the knack, or one of the kids that didn’t. [Micah] was pretty firmly in the latter group, so decided to roboticize the Etch-a-Sketch so a computer could draw for him instead.

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Bypassing Bitlocker using a cheap logic analyzer on a Lenovo laptop

Have you ever been told that the company’s data on laptops is protected thanks to BitLocker? Well it turns out that this depends on BitLocker’s configuration… The BitLocker partition is encrypted using the Full Volume Encryption Key (FVEK).

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Brute Forcing A Mobile’s PIN Over USB With A $3 Board

Mobile PINs are a lot like passwords in that there are a number of very common ones, and [Mobile Hacker] has a clever proof of concept that uses a tiny microcontroller development board to emulate a keyboard to test the 20 most common unlock PINs on an Android device.

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Découvrez la GameCube Nano une console 90% plus petite que loriginale

C’est le genre de projet un peu dingue qui montre les possibilités acquises par de simples particuliers ces dernières années. Arriver a réduire de 90% le châssis original de la console pour proposer cette GameCube Nano est assez ahurissant. Le projet est assez simple en théorie.

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Portable Soldering Station Runs On Drill Batteries

Power tool batteries are a convenient portable power supply for all manner of different things. [Zachary Goode] noticed that Ryobi was using them to power soldering irons, but no such tool existed in the DeWalt range. Thus, he set about to build such a rig himself.

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