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Electronics news

Introduction au Co-design CPU-FPGA avec Petalinux

Dans cet article, nous aborderons une introduction au co-design CPU/FPGA en créant une plateforme matérielle sur un FPGA et en développant un système d’exploitation avec PetaLinux, un kit de développement logiciel basé sur Yocto. D’abord, pour saisir l’essence du projet, parlons un peu FPGA.

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A Comprehensive Look At FDM Supports

When we first started 3D printing, we used ABS and early slicers. Using supports was undesirable because the support structures were not good, and ABS sticks to itself like crazy. Thankfully today’s slicers are much better, and often we can use supports that easily detach.

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PCIe For Hackers: The Diffpair Prelude

PCIe, also known as PCI-Express, is a highly powerful interface. So let’s see what it takes to hack on something that powerful. PCIe is be a bit intimidating at first, however it is reasonably simple to start building PCIe stuff, and the interface is quite resilient for hobbyist-level technology.

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Connecting a 1980s Pinball Machine to the Internet

I built a device that allows a pinball machine from 1984 to automatically upload scores to the internet. The device taps into the machine’s memory bus and monitors the game state, uploading scores after each game. Growing up, my family owned an old pinball machine, a 1974 Williams Strato-Flite.

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YouTube As Infinite File Storage

Anyone who was lucky enough to secure a Gmail invite back in early 2004 would have gasped in wonder at the storage on offer, a whole gigabyte! Nearly two decades later there’s more storage to be had for free from Google and its competitors, but it’s still relatively easy to hit the paid tier.

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Un Bloc Arcade double écran pilotée par un Raspberry Pi 400

L’idées de ce Bloc Arcade est toute simple mais drôlement efficace. Le système de double écran fait tout son charme. Un petit losange en longueur réalisé en contreplaqué propose sur chacune des deux faces un écran. A l’intérieur, un Raspberry Pi 400.

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