Category Archives: News

Electronics news

HDMI output on an FPGA

Tackling HDMI output from the ground up as my first major FPGA development project. Back in my first year of university I took a course on digital logic. The homework was tedious as you might expect: doing boolean arithmetic by hand, drawing state machine diagrams, using Karnaugh maps, etc.

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Bringing A Ruined Game Boy Cart Back To Life With Tons Of Soldering

Retro consoles and handhelds are full of nostalgia and happy memories for many. However, keeping these machines and their media going can be a difficult job at times. [Taylor] was challenged to rescue a copy of Kirby’s Dream Land for the original Game Boy, and set about the task.

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Linux in a Pixel Shader – A RISC-V Emulator for VRChat

Sometimes you get hit with ideas for side-projects that sound absolutely plausible in your head. The idea grips you, your mind’s eye can practically visualize it already. And then reality strikes, and you realize how utterly insane this would be, and just how much work would need to go into it.

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How to design an enclosure using photogrammetry? – The Complete Guide

In this article, I’m gonna show you step by step how to design an enclosure just like this with the help of modeling clay and Photogrammetry. Lately, I needed an NRF24l chip-based RC Transmitter for my project. I could go into a classic Playstation, or X-Box pad look.

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Design A Custom Enclosure Using Modelling Clay And Photogrammetry

When it comes to designing enclosures which aren’t simple boxes or other basic shapes, the design process tends to get somewhat tedious and involved as the number of measurements to be transferred into the CAD program begins to skyrocket.

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