Ikea Tradfri LED power supply with wireless receiver. Lowest dim is 50usec with a 1kHz period. Low side switching on the +24V output.
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Ikea Tradfri LED power supply with wireless receiver. Lowest dim is 50usec with a 1kHz period. Low side switching on the +24V output.
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Thanks to Google Cloud and OVH for sponsoring our computers ?! How it works 1 Enter your repository information Provide in the above form a URL or a GitHub repository that contains Jupyter notebooks, as well as a branch, tag, or commit hash. Launch will build your Binder repository.
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I’m not quite sure why, but most of the time when I examine a design on-line that someone has posted to a forum, there are very few bus components. There’s typically a CPU (Microblaze, Nios2, or ARM), some kind of SDRAM memory, perhaps a flash device, and then one or two other peripherals.
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This original Cheetah 125 Joystick from the 1980s has had a loving conversion with shiny new microswitches, arcade buttons and a Pimoroni Player X controller board. It now has four independent “fire” buttons and connects via USB, ready for some serious RetroPie gaming action.
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When one thinks about digital backups of old game cartridges, usually what comes to mind are ROM images: single binary files that are meant to represent all of the non-volatile (read-only) memory of the cartridges.
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PCB stack-up refers to the arrangement of copper layers and insulating layers that make up a circuit board. The stack-up we choose can play a major role in board performance in several different ways.
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In a previous article, we helped you submit your first contribution. You now want to launch your own open source project but you don’t know what to do before letting everyone view your code ? No worries, in this article we will give you all the pre-requisites you need to launch your project.
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From the beginning ob building the FPV-Rover, I wanted to have a Nerf Dart Launcher on it. And finally, here it is. This is the fifth upgrade for the rover and it won’t be the last.
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A professional air hockey setup is usually available only in arcades due to the sophisticated systems that are required to operate it. Our goal was to build a DIY air hockey table, bringing this gaming experience at home.
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This article looks at gallium arsenide, and explores how it compares to other popular semiconductor materials, and explores the different components utilizing each material.Silicon has long held its place as the key material in semiconductors.
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