Category Archives: News

Electronics news

Tracking Binary Changes: Learn the DIFF-erent Ways of the ELF

Source control is often the first step when starting a new project (or it should be, we’d hope!). Breaking changes down into smaller chunks and managing the changes between them makes it easier to share work between developers and to catch and revert mistakes after they happen.

from Pocket
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Tucoplexing: A New Charliplex for Buttons and Switches

Figuring out the maximum number of peripherals which can be sensed or controlled with a minimum number of IOs is a classic optimization trap with a lot of viable solutions. The easiest might be something like an i2c IO expander, which would give you N outputs for 4 wires (SDA, SCL, Power, Ground).

from Pocket
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Easy Resistor Assortment Organization With Index Cards

Resistor assortments are often packed as strips of “tape mounted” resistors. The resistors can be easily organized by stapling the “taped resistor strips” to index cards. Resistor index cards can be sorted and stored in standard index file boxes.

from Pocket
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