Tag Archives: News opensource

February 2025 Open Source Hardware Certification Roundup

The Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA) runs a free program that allows creators to certify that their hardware complies with the community definition of open source hardware. Whenever you see the certification logo, you know that the certified hardware meets this standard.

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Conception d’un circuit intégré avec QFlow

Cher journal, aujourd’hui nous allons voir comment concevoir un circuit intégré avec des outils libres. Je ne vais pas faire de toi un expert en microélectronique, mais ça devrait déjà te permettre d’un peu mieux comprendre ce que je t’ai baragouiné la dernière fois.

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Preparing your project being open sourced

In a previous article, we helped you submit your first contribution. You now want to launch your own open source project but you don’t know what to do before letting everyone view your code ? No worries, in this article we will give you all the pre-requisites you need to launch your project.

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The Anxiety of Open Source: Why We Struggle With Putting It Out There

You’ve just finished your project. Well, not finished, but it works and you’ve solved all the problems worth solving, and you have a thing that works for you. Then you think about sharing your creation with the world. “This is cool” you think. “Other people might think it’s cool, too.

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