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Tag Archives: News reblog
PinBox 3000
FREE SHIPPING! The PinBox 3000 cardboard tabletop pinball… FREE SHIPPING! Two PinBox 3000 game kits so that you…
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Main Page
The sigrok project aims at creating a portable, cross-platform, Free/Libre/Open-Source signal analysis software suite that supports various device types (e.g. logic analyzers, oscilloscopes, and many more). It is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 3 or later.
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Retro Console Upgrade Gives Atari Flair
If you’re desperate for a sense of nostalgia for video games of yore but don’t want to shell out the big bucks for an NES classic, you can always grab a single arcade-style game that’ll plug straight into your TV.
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All the Badges of DEF CON 26 (vol 4)
From a cockroach filled with LEDs, to an impressively dense 576 RGB LED display, and even a hunk of carpet, our final installment of the unofficial hardware badges at DEF CON 26 are beyond impressive. I tried to see every badge and speak to every badge maker this year.
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Recreating The Amiga 1200 PCB from Pictures
In the past we’ve talked about one of the major downsides of working with vintage computer hardware, which of course is the fact you’re working with vintage computer hardware.
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PCB Junk Drawer Turned Into Blinky Mosaic
We’ve all got a box full of old PCBs, just waiting to be stripped of anything useful. [Dennis1a4] decided to do something with his, turning it into an attractive mosaic that he hung on the wall of his new workshop.
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Lightpipe 7-Segment Display
What if I told you that you could build a display out of shoe laces!? Well that is exactly what I’ve done!
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FxSolver is a Math Notebook for Engineers
If you like to rely on the web to do your electronics and computer math, you’ll want to bookmark FxSolver. It has a wide collection of formulae from disciplines ranging from electronics, computer science, physics, chemistry, and mechanics. There are also the classic math formulations, too.
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Virtual Reality Flying Machine (Arduino)
This project goes through converting a hammock into a VR flying machine. We will use a VR app that is running the WRLD SDK in Unity so you can input whatever GPS coordinates you want and fly around that area in VR! This VR app will also run on IOS or Android.
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